Safety & Security
Safety and Security
ISSTA is committed to providing a safe campus environment for all students, faculty, administration, & staff. Security will be visible in and around campus halls, dining facilities, classrooms, aviation grounds, sports complex, and anywhere where they will be needed on the campus. Everyone should feel safe and secure at all times. Entry onto the campus requires guard and gate access, along with multiple security check points throughout the campus. Key/card access with biometric scanning allows entry and exit of residential halls only with verifiability. Guests must always be escorted beyond public areas into other areas of the campus. ISSTA is committed to the safety and security of its' students and staff at all times with zero tolerance for any violation as such.
Emergencies on Campus... Call 111
The Dining, Housing, and Student Lounge Facilities and Services Department has taken many steps to improve the safety of its residents:
Student Doors Have Heavy Duty, High Security Locksets On Solid Core Doors.
Door Viewers On Student Doors.
All Residence Hall Access Areas Have 24-Hour Locks With Prox Card/Key Access Only.
Fire Sprinkler Systems In All Academic, Fitness, and Aviation Buildings, As Well As Residential Facilities.
Smoke And Fire Detection Systems Are Located In All Halls.
Community Bathrooms Are Equipped With Security Locksets.
Crash Bars Are Located On All Exit Doors.
Security Devices Are Secure On All First-Floor Windows.
Emergency Power Systems And Locked Window Screws Are In All Residential Halls.
All Exterior Doors In The Residence Hall System Are Monitored For Proper Closure And Alarmed To Alert Staff When Not Secured; All External Fire Tower Doors Are Designated "Emergency Exit Only" And Will Activate An Alarm If Opened.
Travel Between Any Public Areas, Via A Stairwell, Corridor, Or Other Passages, To The Residential Living Areas Have Access Controls.
A Safe Living, Learning, And Teaching Environment.
The success of our security system depends on everyone..."Student Safety First".
Safety is extremely important to ISSTA. The administration has campus security personnel 24 hours a day/7 days a week. Emergency call columns for students to push in case of an incident are readily available. Each facility is equipped with emergency buttons to reach out to law enforcement in case of emergency. There is a call center site for parents to be informed during a natural disaster or otherwise. Faculty and students are also able to utilize an online form to notify the emergency call center through the ISSTA app. This will alert that someone needs helps immediately.
The administration cannot stress enough the importance of security for our students, faculty, family, and our community.