


Applications must contain ALL information below to be considered:

      1. Completed Online Application

      2. Middle School Transcripts (ONLY FOR 9th GRADE)

     a. Domestic Applicants: Upload Unofficial Or Official Transcripts

     b. International Applicants: Upload An Official Copy Of Middle School Transcripts

 3. Application Essays (ONLY FOR 9th GRADE)

      4. Standardized Test Scores (ONLY FOR 9th GRADE)

     a. Domestic Applicants: Optional If English is Your Native Language

     b. International Applicants: TOEFL (Or TOEFL Equivalent) Scores Are Required If English is Not Your Native Language. PSAT, SAT, Or ACT Are Also Acceptable

 5. Recommendation Letters;  ONE Required If Providing Test Scores; TWO Required If Not Providing Test Scores

      6. Non-Refundable Application Fee Of $100.00. Payable Online By Credit Card or PayPal

      7. Interview If Applying To The Science Academy OR Audition If Applying To The Arts & Humanities Academy (ONLY FOR 9th GRADE)


Drug-Free School Policy

ISSTA is committed to providing a campus and workplace environment free from the illegal use of alcohol and other drugs. In compliance with the provisions of the Federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, the Drug-Free Workplace Act, and the Florida Drug-Free Workplace Program Requirements, the ISSTA President or the President’s designee has decided  to REQUIRE DRUG TESTING to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by ISSTA students or employees on school premises or part of any school activity. In furtherance of this policy, the President or the President’s designee has established procedures for drug and alcohol testing of employees and students.

The following standards of conduct apply to students and employees:

The President or the President’s designee is authorized to impose disciplinary sanctions on students and employees (consistent with local, state, and federal law), up to and including expulsion or termination of school admission, attendance, or employment and referral for prosecution, for violations of standards of conduct required by this policy. For purposes of this policy, a disciplinary sanction may include completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program. (Florida Statutes 112.0455, 440.101, 440.102, 1001.02, 1001.64, 1006.62,  I-Board Policy 1.00)

Application Essays (9th grade only)

Please respond to the following questions. Number your essays clearly and upload responses together in one document using the upload button located within the online application. Each individual response should not exceed 400 words. We value thoughtfulness and quality over quantity.

Parents and students, please contact us if you have questions regarding the application process.

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