Frequently Asked Questions
Why Don't my meals from my meal plan roll over?
Meal plans are weekly so unused meals do not roll over. These meal plans are designed to allow our students to better manage their meals each week rather than ending the semester with a block of unused meals. The weekly meal plans allow the ISSTa Health and Dining Department to adequately plan operating costs. Without the ability to plan budgets at the beginning of the year and plan for staff, food costs, facility improvements, etc. we would have to raise meal plan rates.
What happens to unused meals?
If, on any given day, some meal plan holders don't come in, our operating costs are not less, due to staffing and food costs. As a charitable organization, ISSTA often donates extra food to non profit organizations. Some food items may be used as a compost to help grow our on-campus fruits and vegetables and maintain consisency with our sustainable business model. Often, ISSTA also reinvests into our facilities in the form of new carpets, equipment, kitchen tools, renovations, etc.
How do I change my meal plan?
If, on any given day, some meal plan holders don't come in, our operating costs are not less, due to staffing and food costs. As a charitable organization, ISSTA often donates extra food to non profit organizations. Some food items may be used as a compost to help grow our on-campus fruits and vegetables and maintain consisency with our sustainable business model. Often, ISSTA also reinvests into our facilities in the form of new carpets, equipment, kitchen tools, renovations, etc.
What do I so if I run out of meals?
Each meal plan includes 20 bonus/guest passes that can be used if you run out of meals. Additional bonus meals can be purchased with a minimum of five meals. Passes must be used in the semester they are purchased.
Can I bring a guest to eat on campus?
Each meal plan includes 20 bonus/guest passes that you can use as you'd like. Your weekly meals are not transferable to others, however, you may purchase additional bonus meals at any time. You may add your bonus meals to your ISSTACashCard at any time. All guests musthave written approval to be on campus and are only eligible to dine or attend events with proper notification. See Registrar or the Concierge desk for appropriate arrangements.
What do you mean by item and end product?
Each meal plan includes 20 bonus/guest passes that you can use as you'd like. Your weekly meals are not transferable to others, however, you may purchase additional bonus meals at any time. You may add your bonus meals to your ISSTACashCard at any time. All guests musthave written approval to be on campus and are only eligible to dine or attend events with proper notification. See Registrar or the Concierge desk for appropriate arrangements.
I just submitted a meal plan request, when will it be updated in the ISSTACashCard system?
All meal plan changes during the week process on Friday nights at midnight. On Saturday morning, you will see your meal plan change on your ISSTACashCard, and billing changes will process the following week.
If I'm sick or injured, can a friend pick up meal for me?
Yes they can! Simply fill out the online Meal Pass card, sign it with your school ID number and signature, and they can print it and take it to the appropriate vendor. This can also be done with your personalized QR Code.
I have questions about Meal Plan account. There seems to be a billing or other issue. What do I do?
If you have anybilling inquiries or otherwise relared to the dining portion of your ISSTACashCard please fill out the Meal Dispute Form here and someone will get back to you within 48 hours.
Guests are encouraged to monitor their transaction histories for both meal swipes, and transactions in the online portal at
If a guest suspects that there are erroneous meal swipes on their transaction history, action must be taken by completing this form, and sending it via e-mail to: DiningDispute@MyIssta.org
Disputes must be handled within 60 days of the transaction date. Please fill in as much of the below information as possible. Once finished, click the “save” button below to save this form to your smartphone/tablet/computer, and then e-mail it to the address above. We will get back to you regarding your form submission within 2 business days.