Room Sharing


ISSTA is proud to offer Facebook RoomSync as our preferred roommate matching program to help our students select a roommate.

ISSTA works closely with RoomSync to provide our residents the unique opportunity to interact with other students while safely finding future roommates. Students can only use the RoomSync app after obtaining a special passcode from ISSTA. An invitation will be sent to students once they have been assigned to their Residence Hall and Room or Suite.

Roomate matching will occur based on age, preference, interests, language, demographic, behavior information, and administrative recommendations. Once assigned to a roomate, the student can then become familiar with their roomate in advance of the semester making the transition to room sharing easier. The Facebook RoomSync app is the only tool other than the housing application where mutual roommate requests will be approved. There is a strict algorithm in place to help secure that the pairing of students is as flawless as possible.

To assist you in successfully sharing your room with your roommate, here are several considerations:

Living together

Here are some things you may want to consider discussing with your roommate(s), regarding the use of your room environment.

  • Communication

    • How will you communicate with each other when there is a problem? What do you feel comfortable or not comfortable talking about?

  • Room Arrangement

    • It is important to arrange and decorate your room when you have both arrived so that each has some ownership in the environment. If you want to rearrange the room in the future, talk to each other first. When decorating (i.e. on your walls and outside on your door), please be considerate and make sure you both are comfortable with the dispaly of posters, pictures, etc.

  • Chores

    • Discuss expectations for room cleanliness. Knowing each other’s habits can help alleviate stress later. Do you prefer a clean room or are you likely to leave items lying around? How clean does your room need to be? How often should you clean – on a daily basis, or when there are visitors? How will you share responsibilities?

  • Alarm Clock

    • Where will your alarm(s) be placed? What about the snooze button? What happens if someone is sleeping through the alarm? How much sleep do you need nightly? How will your class schedules affect your sleeping habits? What time do you go to bed? What time do you need to get up? How will you work through differences in sleeping patterns? Will you use a fan or keep windows open?

  • Electronics

    • During what hours will the TV or play stations be used, and at what volume?

  • Noise

    • What do you each define as noise, and what is too loud and what is not? What environment do you need for sleeping and studying in the room? At what times should noise be minimized? What activities will take priority in the room when there is a conflict? When do you plan on scheduling study time, and how much time? Will you take breaks? What are your class schedules like?

  • Food & Beverages

    • Will you buy groceries together or individually? If you have food or beverages in the room, can roommates borrow food from each other? If so, how soon should it be replaced or paid for?

  • Personal Stuff

    • Will you share or borrow any personal items? Which items cannot be used by anyone other than the owner? Set clear expectations for the use of these items: Is permission is required to use them? Is maintenance is required? If you purchase items together, how will you split the bill, and who will own them at the end of the year? If you do share some belongings, make sure they are accessible to all roommates and are not hidden or locked away.

  • Private

    • How do you feel about privacy? How are your needs different?

  • Mailbox

    • You share a mailbox, so what are you going to do with your roommate’s mail when you pick up yours? Will you leave it in the box or bring it up to the room? Where in the room will mail be placed?

Your Rights

As a member of the ISSTA student community, you have important rights outlined in the Student Rights Handbook.

I have the right to:

  • Communication which does not include offending or being disruptive to others

  • Read And Study Free From Undue Interference

  • Avoid noise and Other Distractions

  • Sleep Without Undue Disturbance

  • Be Respected as an individual and my Personal Belongings

  • A Clean Environment

  • Free Access To my Room And Facilities

  • Privacy

  • Correct Problems (Residence Hall Staff Is Available For Conflict Resolution)

  • Be Free Of Fear And Intimidation (Physical And/Or Emotional Harm)

  • Expect Reasonable Cooperation In The Use Of “Shared” Appliances (Microwave, Refrigerator, Etc.)

  • A Commitment To Have Agreed-Upon Payment Procedures

  • Be Free Of Peer Pressure Or Ridicule Regarding Personal Choices

If you are concerned that your rights are not being honored, please discuss your concerns with your roommate, and seek assistance from your RA if necessary.

Communication and Safety

Early and frequent communication is critical for a good roommate relationship. You can make it a success by:

  • Communicating

  • Respecting

  • Being Flexible

  • Appreciating Differences.

  • Working On What You Can Agree, Not Arguing About other Subjects

  • Being Willing To Compromise

  • Being Honest With Your Feelings.

  • Keeping In Mind What Rights You Value Most.

  • Considering What Is Reasonable.

  • Having Genuine Care And Regard For Others.

No matter how hard you try, communication sometimes will break down. Clues you had a break-down in communication may include but is not limited to your roommate:

1) not talking to you

2) leaves the room whenever you enter

3) complain to their friends about you

4) gets angry over trivial matters.

Take the first step in communicating with your roommate(s) to try and understand what is wrong. It may be something simple that can be easily cleared up, or it may require assistance from Residence Hall Staff.

Note: Safety and security experts highly recommend doors remain locked and un-propped, passwords not be shared, keys and ID cards remain with the owner at all times, and laws/policies be followed to maintain the safest living environment.